My name is different in PAN and Aadhaar. It is not allowing me to link both. What to do?

Answered on August 03,2023
In order to Link Aadhaar with PAN, ideally your demographic details (i.e. Name, Gender and Date of Birth) should match in both the documents.
In case of any minor mismatch in Aadhaar Name provided by taxpayer when compared to the actual data in Aadhaar, One Time Password (Aadhaar OTP) will be sent to the mobile registered with Aadhaar. Taxpayers should ensure that the date of birth and gender in PAN and Aadhaar are exactly same.
In a rare case where Aadhaar name is completely different from name in PAN, then the linking will fail and taxpayer will be prompted to change the name in either Aadhaar or in PAN database.
For PAN data update related queries you may visit:
For Aadhaar update related information you may visit UIDAI official website:
In-case linking problem still persists you are requested to visit Income Tax official website or call IT department helpline.
Source: This answer is sourced from UIDAI website.
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