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I have given request online for Change of address by document for my sister's aadhar card details. All processes completed and I got the secret code also by courier. When I am entering the secret code, in address it's coming c/o my sister name and then address, so I don't want to show my sister name in my aadhar address. What is the procedure ?
I have given request online for Change of address by document for my sister's aadhar card details. All processes completed and I got the secret code also by courier. When I am entering the secret code, in address it's coming c/o my sister name and then address, so I don't want to show my sister name in my aadhar address. What is the procedure ?

Answered on March 12,2024
As per UIDAI's new policy other relationship fields such as D/o, S/o etc have been replaced with C/o field within the Address. Filling this is optional. You can update the address in your Aadhaar and choose to give your father's name/husband's Name/mother's/acquaintance name on the C/o field. c/o field or address update can be done through both online and off line mode. Kindly visit the nearest Enrolment Centre or our website UIDAI to update the address in your Aadhaar.
Source: This answer is provided by UIDAI on Twitter.
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