How to get A Khata Extract and B Khata Extract ?

Answered on May 24,2022
Khata is a legal document issued to property owners and it essentially consists of information such as owner name, size, area and location of the property and if the property is residential or commercial
A- Khata denotes a document that the property owner has duly paid relevant property taxes to the BBMP and is in ownership of a legal property. With an A Khata in hand, property owners can apply for trade licenses, building licenses or avail loans on the property
Documents require to apply for A- Khata
- Registered Deed
- Encumbrance Certificate (EC)
- Tax paid receipt
- Seller Khata if purchased from individual
- Occupation Certificate if purchased from builder
- Aadhar (mobile number should linked to Aadhar)
Fees to apply for A- Khata application: Approx 2% of sale deed’s stamp duty
For Example: If you purchased a property for Rs. 50 Lakh
Would have paid the stamp duty of 5.1% of buying price, that is Rs. 50,00,000 X 5.1% = 2,55,000
Your khata fee is approx Rs. 2,55,000 X 2% = 5100 (in Rs.)
The A-Khata payment receipt looks like below image:
File the A-Khata application online on Sakala Online service, here is the link to the site Sakala Online Services
In a separate answer, we wrote detailed procedure to apply for A-khata. This answer is applicable for both new property and resale property, linking the answer below for your reference
How to do Khata Transfer in Bangalore ?
Lead time to get the A-khata is 35 working days .
Below is the image of A-Khata certificate:
Below is the image of A-Khata extract:
B Khata is a temporary document while A Khata is the permanent one. B Khata Property Tax are levied on the residents of Bangalore and fall under the jurisdiction of the Bruhat Bengaluru Mahanagara Palike (BBMP)
The BBMP maintains a separate register for B-Khata properties, because B-Khata properties in violations of certain bylaws, unauthorized layouts and construction in revenue land as well as properties that don’t have issuance or completion certificates among other things.
Documents require to apply for B- Khata
- Registered Deed
- Encumbrance Certificate (EC)
- Tax paid receipt
- Seller Khata if purchased from individual
- Aadhar
- Requisition letter to ARO
File B-Khata application in your BBMP ward office. (No online provision to apply for B-khata application)
Fee for B-Khata application is Rs. 100. The payment receipt looks like below image.
B-Extract looks like below image.
Lead time to get B-khata is 20-30 working days
NOTE: For B-Khata property, only extract is issued, certificate is not issued.
We provide assistance to obtain A Khata and B Khata. To opt for our service, please whatsapp to + 9 1 – 9 7 4 2 4 7 9 0 2 0.
Thank you for reading…

Answered on February 02,2018
In order to get BBMP Khatha extract, you need to visit Bangalore One Centre. You should mention the information such as in whose name the Khatha was registered at the moment.
The old property identification number (old PID) should be mentioned. The Khatha Extract number, old ward number and ward name should be mentioned so that you will get extract form the concerned authority. Khathacan be transferred from one person to another person in various cases including deed, will, family partition and release deed.
You can also follow required guidelines so that Khata amalgamation and Khata bifurcation certificates will be obtained without fail. Prescribed application and other copies should be submitted so that necessary certificates will be released by the concerned authorities. If the property is located within BDA Layout, NOC from BDA should be submitted.
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