How to apply for Khata ?

Answered on February 02,2018
In order to get BBMP Khatha extract, you need to visit Bangalore One Centre. You should mention the information such as in whose name the Khatha was registered at the moment.
The old property identification number (old PID) should be mentioned. The Khatha Extract number, old ward number and ward name should be mentioned so that you will get extract form the concerned authority. Khathacan be transferred from one person to another person in various cases including deed, will, family partition and release deed.
You can also follow required guidelines so that Khata amalgamation and Khata bifurcation certificates will be obtained without fail. Prescribed application and other copies should be submitted so that necessary certificates will be released by the concerned authorities. If the property is located within BDA Layout, NOC from BDA should be submitted.

Answered on February 02,2018
If you are the owner, you need to buy an application form from the BBMP. Fill and submit the form along with your property details and latest tax receipts to Assistant Revenue Officer of the concerned area. It typically takes 5 weeks to get Khata either from BBMP or panchayath office