How much does it cost to get e-Khata in Bangalore? Can it be done by yourself or do you need an agent? This is for a house in Sarjapur, Bangalore.

It cost nothing to get e-khata and can do it by yourself

Below is the procedure to get e-khata done

  • Carry the photocopy of below documents to panchayat office
  1. Sale deed

  2. Encumbrance certificate

  3. Aadhar

  4. Passport size photo -1

  5. Seller’s Khata (if you purchased resale property or ignore this)

  • Panchayat officer verifies the documents and file an application

  • You will be asked to clear the property tax due. Property tax can be paid by cheque or cash. (Cheque is written in the name of panchayat office. You will get property tax receipt only after the cheque is realized by panchayat office)

The cheque and receipt looks like below images,

 e Khata cheque and receipt

e khata receipt

You will be asked to collect the khata within 30 working days from the day of filing application. An e-khata looks like below image

 e khata karnataka

We provide end to end assistance to obtain e-khata. To opt for our service, please whatsapp + 9 1 - 9 7 4 2 4 7 9 0 2 0.

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