How many days will it take to get an Aadhar card ?

Vikram Vikram
Answered on December 09,2017

It will take maximum 3-5 weeks to get the Aadhar card and when it will be issued ,you will get the message or email on your registered mobile number and email id. The Government has computerized all India's Aadhar cards and give an easy process to download the Aadhar card from the UIDAI official website. However, there is no rule that you can get the Aadhar Card downloaded online only if you have not received the post. This facility is available for the everyone even if your Aadhar card has been issued. Whenever you applied for Aadhar card, you will get an enrollment number(EID) and further this EID number will help to download the Aadhar card. To download Aadhar online there are two methods one is using Enrollment number the other process is using Aadhar card number.
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