When I update Digilocker document with my new mobile number, I get the message "This Aadhaar number is already linked to Digilocker account". How to remove my existing Aadhar card in Digilocker account and add a new one?

Answered on September 21,2019
This happens when you have already created another DigiLocker account and linked your Aadhaar number with that account. Please note linking of same Aadhaar number with 2 DigiLocker accounts is not permissible.
You cannot delete Digilocker account. So your Aadhaar number will be linked to your Digilocker account permanently.
Please retrieve your Aadhaar linked account details by following the steps given below:
Visit Forgot Username link and select "Aadhaar User" tab (in case you do not remember your Aadhaar linked account username). After verifying the account through OTP, you will be able to get your username.
Visit Forgot Password link and follow the steps. You will be able to reset your password through this step.
Login with the Username/Password retrieved using the above steps.
How to fix issues with Digilocker?
DigiLocker is a digital locker to store all your documents. Sometimes, you might have encountered any of the following issues with Digilocker. Documents uploaded by you to Digilocker mi..  Click here to get a detailed guide