Can you share a sample affidavit for a birth certificate by parents in India?

Below is the sample affidavit issued by Mother

Below is the sample affidavit issued by Father

A notarized affidavit looks like the below image,


If you don’t have birth certificate or correction in birth certificate, it is mandatory to get birth affidavit from both mother and father. especially for visa purposes.

Below is the step by step procedure to make an affidavit

Step 1: Prepare affidavit draft in word format.

Step 2: Buy Rs. 100 Non-judical e-stamp paper from nearest co-operative bank, court or register office.

Step 3: Print the draft on Non-judical e-stamp paper.

Step 4: Carry printed affidavit and supporting documents. Meet the notary public near you.

Step 5: Parents should sign affidavit in front of notary public. Notary public seal and sign the affidavit. Register in notary book.

This completes affidavit execution.

We provide affidavit service with notary. Our service includes home delivery. To opt for our service, please Whatsapp to 9 7 4 2 4 7 9 0 2 0.

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