Is Aadhaar mandatory for PAN correction?
Answered on October 13,2019
Aadhaar card is not mandatory for PAN card correction.
However, Aadhaar number, if allotted, may be quoted (supported by copy of Aadhaar letter/card). If copy of Aadhaar is selected as proof of identity/address/date of birth, then it is mandatory to provide Aadhaar number.
Answered on October 13,2019
Aadhar is not mandatory for PAN card correction.
The applicant shall be required to provide following documentary proof to support request for correction or change in PAN data like name, father's name, date of birth, for example:
- Request for change (marginal correction like spelling correction, expansion of initials, etc.,) in applicant's or father's name will have to be supported with suitable proof of identity containing corrected data.
- Request for change (significant change) in applicant's or father's name will have to be supported with such proof that will contain proof of change of name from the old to the new in addition to the proof of identity. The documents that shall be accepted as proof in this case are:
- For married ladies - change of name on account of marriage - marriage certificate, marriage invitation card, publication of 'name-change' in gazette, copy of passport showing husband's name (or vice versa).
- For individual applicants other than married ladies - publication of `name-change' in gazette.
- For companies - ROC's certificate for name change.
- For partnership firms - revised Partnership Deed
- For other categories which are registered organisations (AOP/Trust/BOI/AJP, etc.) - the revised registration/deed/agreement.
- For Limited Liability Partnership - Registrar of LLPs certificate for name change
- Request for correction of date of birth (for individuals) and date of incorporation (non-individuals) will have to be supported with documents issued by competent authority containing the correct date.
- The address for communication in the ITD database will be updated with the address for communication mentioned in the application, even if change in address for communication is not requested in the application.
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