I have my place of birth different in my Birth certificate and Passport. How to change it in Passport ?

Answered on August 21,2019
To change the place of birth in the passport, you have to apply for a "Re-issue" of passport and get the specified change done in the personal particulars.
You need the following documents to get place of birth updated in Passport.
Old Passport in original with self-attested photocopy of its first two and last two pages, including ECR/Non-ECR page (previously ECNR) and the page of observation (if any), made by Passport Issuing Authority and validity extension page, if any, in respect of short validity passport
Affidavit stating the reason for change in Place of Birth
Proof of Place of Birth
If you are born abroad, then you need to provide the following document as well.
First class judicial magistrate's /Sub-divisional magistrate's (civil court) court order
Attach Document No. 7(Certificate of citizenship by Ministry of Home Affairs)

Answered on August 21,2019
To change the date/place of birth in the passport, you have to apply for a "Re-issue" of passport and get the specified change done in the personal particulars. To check the complete list of documents to be submitted along with the application form, please click on "Documents Required" link on Home page of Passport Sewa Website.

Answered on August 21,2019
You need to get your passport re-issued. Documents required for the same can be obtained from the link below.
How to get Passport in India? - Online Application, Police Verification,Tracking & Delivery
A passport is a travel document, usually issued by a country's government to its citizens, that certifies the identity and nationality of its holder primarily for the purpose of internationa..  Click here to get a detailed guide