I am the beneficiary of Pradhan Mantri Awas Yojana. I didn't find out where I have got home in Bangalore. Please help me I am from a poor family. I sell artificial flowers on the roadside. Please help me by providing my home.

Answered on June 29,2019
Based on what you have told, you might be a beneficiary of PMAY - Gramin scheme.
So you need to first confirm whether you are beneficiary of scheme or not.
Follow the below steps to check whether you are beneficiary of scheme.
If you have registration number with you, follow the below steps to check if your name is there in PMAY- Gramin website.
Visit PMAY website
Click on "Stakeholders". Click on "IAY/PMAYG Beneficiary"
Then, enter your Registration Number and click on ‘Submit’
If the entered registration number is present in the beneficiary database, your details will show up.
If you don't have registration number with you, follow the below steps to check if your name is there in PMAY- Gramin website.
Visit PMAY website
Click on "Stakeholders". Click on "IAY/PMAYG Beneficiary"
Click on "Advanced Search"
Enter details such as your name, BPL number etc. to check whether your name is there in the list.
Click on ‘Advanced Search’
Your details should appear on the screen if your name is the beneficiary list.

Answered on June 23,2019
You can lodge a complaint to check whether your house is constructed or not.
Visit Pradhan Mantri Awas Yojana Gramin website website.
Click on "Public Greivances"
You will be directed to Centralised Public Grievance and Monitoring System
Register in the site
Lodge your greivance there.

Answered on June 23,2019
Your house whether constructed or not depends on your waitlist number in PMAY- G list.
PMAY-Gramin selects beneficiary using housing deprivation parameters in the Socio-Economic and Caste Census (SECC), 2011 data which is to be verified by the Gram Sabhas.
The SECC data captures specific deprivation related to housing among households. Using the data, households that are houseless and living in 0,1 and 2 kutcha wall and kutcha roof houses can be segregated and targeted.
The Permanent Wait List so generated also ensures that the states have the ready list of the household to be covered under the scheme in the coming years (through Annual Select Lists) leading to better planning of implementation.
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