How to get Birth and Death Certificates from Town Panchayats limit in Tamil Nadu?

Answered on May 05,2021
Computerised Birth/Death Certificates are being issued under CRS Software (Civil Registration Software) in all the 528 Town Panchayats.
Every Birth and Death which appears in Town Panchayat area should be registered within 21 days at the Office of Town Panchayat.
Any person who wants to register a birth or a death shall inform the Town Panchayat Office in the prescribed form in Annexure along with a certificate from the Person or Medical Institution, who conducted delivery in the case of birth and from the Medical Officer who treated the patient in the case of death.
Beyond the prescribed time limit, if a registration is done , it is accepted with a payment of penalty up to the period of one year. If a registration is to be done beyond a period of one year, it will be registered only on receipt of Judicial order from a Magistrate and with penalty.
On registration one copy of an extract of Birth/Death Register will be given to the party, free of cost. If a certificate of Birth/Death is required at a later date from the Town Panchayat, an application in the prescribed format (Copy of format enclosed in Appendix) furnishing the information required in the format like name of the child, father's name, mother's name, date and place of birth, etc., in the case of birth certificate and name of the person, father's /husband's name, date and place of death, etc., in the case of Death Certificate shall be furnished.
The application shall be presented in the Town Panchayat office and acknowledgement obtained.
Along with the application, the following new fee shall be remitted in Town Panchayat Office.
Item Fee
Birth & Death Certificate ... Rs.200.00 per copy **
If date of birth/death is not known or
unspecified, Search Fee for every year. ... Rs.100.00 per copy **
For every additional year for which the ... Rs.100.00 per entry **
search is continued
For Granting Non Availability certificate ... Rs.100.00 per copy **
search is continued
For getting every additional copies of Extract ... Rs.200.00 per copy **
For Inclusion Birth/Death Name ... Rs.200.00 per entry **
Belated Birth and Death Registration
a) Within 21 Days ... without penalty
b) After 21 Days to 30 Days ... Rs.100/-
c) After 30 Days to 1 Years ... Rs.200/-
d) Above one year with the
order of Sub Collector or DRO ... Rs.500.00
A Court fee stamp of Rs.2/- shall be fixed in the application form.
** Conditions apply
An extract of Birth/Death Register will be given to the applicant, who has furnished full information within 3 days.
Form for Birth and Death Certificates.
Source: This answer is sourced from the portal of Directorate of Town Panchayat, Tamil Nadu.
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