Can I still apply for nativity certificate as I was born in Kerala but living in Delhi at the moment? For proof I have my parents' school leaving certificate and ration cards. Am I still eligible?

Niyas Maskan Niyas Maskan, Village Officer, Kerala verified
Answered on April 16,2020

You have to provide proof that you were born "in this village in this District in Kerala".If you have a Birth Certificate, these details would be mentioned in it. It is better to apply for a nativity certificate offline and from the area where your relatives are staying in Kerala. This is because it is easy for Village Officer to conduct the necessary due diligence by conducting an inquiry about your stay in Kerala from your relatives and neighbors and getting the witness to testify it.

You can also check this video to get further details about Nativity Certificate in Kerala.


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How to get Nativity certificate in Kerala?

A nativity certificate is an official statement provided to the citizen by the state government certifying the Indian origin of an applicant who is or whose relations such as parents/gr..
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