What are the documents required to get Caste Certificate ?

Answered on December 17,2017
Residence Proof (Ration Card /Rent / Maintenance Receipt / Landline Telephone Bill / Electricity Bill)
School Leaving Certificate of Candidate.
Caste Certificate of Parents i.e. Father/Grandfather/Aunty (Father’s Sister)/Uncle (Blood Relation).

Answered on December 17,2017
The application forms are available at the concerned local office in the City/Town/Village, which is usually the office of the SDM (Sub-Divisional Magistrate) or of the Tehsil or Revenue Department. In case none of your family members have earlier been issued a Caste Certificate, a local enquiry is conducted before issuing the Certificate to you. Proof of residence in your State for a minimum specified period, an affidavit stating that you belong to a particular caste(SC/ST/OBC), and the specified court stamp fee is required at the time of application.

Answered on December 17,2017
Following documents are required to obtain the caste certificate.
Address Proof Attachment (Any One)
- Ration Card
- True Copy of Electricity Bill.
- True Copy of Telephone Bill.
- True Copy of Election Card.
- True Copy of Passport
- First Page Of Bank PassBook/Cancelled Cheque
- Post Office Account Statement/Passbook
- Driving License
- Government Photo ID cards/ service photo identity card issued by PSU
- Water bill (not older than 3 months)
Identity Proof Attachment (Any One)
- True Copy of Election Card.
- True Copy Income Tax PAN Card.
- True Copy of Passport
- Driving License
- Government Photo ID cards/ service photo identity card issued by PSU
- Any Government Document having citizen photo
- Photo ID issued by Recognized Educational Institution
Caste Proof (Any One)
- True Copy of School Leaving Certificate
- Self Attested Caste Certificate From the Competent Authorities
- True Copy of School Leaving Certificate of Father/Uncle/Aunty
Relationship Proof
- Affidavit attached with the application.