How to get a e-Adangal Crop entry and Abstract Download in Tamil Nadu?

Written By Gautham Krishna   | Updated on March 03, 2022

Adangal is a very important revenue record, as it contains details of land such as owner's details, area, assessment, water, irrigation type, soil type, nature of Liabilities, Tenancy and Crops grown, etc.

Adangal is a record of total survey numbers in a village. This corresponds to a specific survey number and the name of the owners or who is Benefiting from the land. This also contains Patta number and how the land is used for cultivation or for other purposes.

Survey number wise, lands are selected then the details of the crops sown and harvested must be recorded. Adangal should consist of all minute details of the land in the particular revenue village with the remarks made by the officials at the time of inspection. These details are captured in order to simplify the process of entries in Adangal and its maintenance by the Village Administrative Officer. Adangal to be automated electronically and will be available online.



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