Where to get Income Certificate in Bangalore ?

Answered on January 29,2019
You can apply it online or visit any of the nadakacheri office in the below link to get it.
For online application, please follow the below steps to apply for income certificate online in Karnataka.
- Go to www.nadakacheri.karnataka.gov.in and click on “Online Application” below in left side.
- Then user will get Nadakacheri Login page, Enter Mobile number
- Click on ‘HOME button to enter Nadakacheri home page.
- Put the mouse over NEW REQUEST menu to see all services (Caste Certificates, Income Certificates, Residence/Domicile Certificates, Widow Certificates, Unemployment Certificate, OBC Certificates, Population Certificates). Click on the required service.
- Choose Income certificate and then it will prompt whether you require certificate in English or Kannada.
- Enter user details, all fields shown in Red are compulsory.
- Select the mode of delivery,as NadaKacheri or Registered Post
- And upload the required documents for the Income certificate. Red colour labels indicates compulsory fields and remaining fields are optional but need produce for easy and fast process of applications. And then click on ‘Save’ to save or ‘Cancel’ for cancelation.
- Click on ‘Save’ button, then will generate ACK no, and user will receive same ACK no to his mobile.
- Click ‘OK’ button, then Click on ‘Online Payment’ button to pay the application fees. Then will show the following message as below. Click ‘OK’ to proceed or ‘Cancel’ to cancel the payment.
- In the bill payment page, choose the card payment: Cedit Cards, Internet Banking, Debit Cards, Select the Card Type, and click on ‘Make Payment’.
- The application will be accepted only after successful online payment of application fees. After successful payment, ACK no. will appear in concerned Nadakacheri’s for further process of application. And final certificate will get in concerned Nadakacheri center.
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