How to apply for Senior Citizen Card ?

Answered on December 27,2017
An application should be written in a plain paper for the card. The application should be submitted along with the following documents:
- Proof of age (one of the following): Birth Certificate, Voter ID, PAN card, Aadhar card, DL (valid), Ration card, Passport (valid), Pension document, Educational certificate.
- Proof of name: The name given on the form should be the same as indicated in the supporting document. If the name has changed, proof of Govt. Gazette publication should be submitted or marriage certificate produced.
- Proof of address: (ANY 1): Aadhar, Voter's ID, Ration Card, DL (valid), Passport (valid), govt approved pension card, Rental agreement, Bank passbook, Electricity bill or Phone bill (BSNL landline).
- Doctor’s certificate: Required for blood group, illness/diseases, medication in use, and medication allergies. The certificate has to be on the doctor’s letterhead with his/her signature, stamp & registration number, a practitioner of Indian medicine with register number can also certify.
- Photographs:
- a) 3 recent passport size photographs to be submitted along with the form.
- b) 2 different photographs are not acceptable.
- c) Black & White photographs are not acceptable.
- Rs.50/- (official government charge)
- If applicant(s) are residing with their children/relatives/friends - Their address proof can be provided along with the proof of relation.
- Once the card is ready, please ensure to collect your card and concession information booklet without fail.
- Acknowledgment slip given at the time of submission of application should be retained for collecting the card.
- Cost of card Rs. 50 only. No additional charges.