What is Voter Verification Program?

Answered on September 30,2019
Voter Verification Program or Elector Verification Program is an initiative by Election Commision of India to verify the details of voter.
Voter Verification Program occurs every year and for 2019, it is from 01 September 2019 to 15 October 2019. During Voter Verification Program, individuals can verify and authenticate the details of family members in addition to verifying one’s own details. Information/details of un-enrolled citizens/dead/shifted electors etc; are to be provided by the citizen through the above program.
The citizens can verify their electoral details through “Voter helpline” mobile app, NVSP portal, by visiting Common Service Centres (CSCs) or submitting a hard copy of filled up forms through Booth Level Officers (BLOs) to Electoral Registration Officer (EROs).
Following details can be verified as part of Voter Verification Program.
- Verification and corrections of the existing details
Authentication of entry by furnishing scanned/DigiLocker copy of one of the following documents:
Indian Passport
Driving License
Aadhaar Card
Ration Card
Identity card for Government/Semi Government Officials
Bank Passbooks
Farmer's Identity Card
PAN Card
Smart Card issued by RGI
Latest bill for water/electricity/telephone/gas connection.
Furnishing details of family members and verifying their entries too
Updating details of family members already enrolled as voters but permanently shifted or expired.
Furnishing details of eligible un-enrolled family members (born on or before 01.01.2001) and prospective electors born between (02.01.2002 till 01.01.2003) who are residing with the elector.
Furnishing GIS Coordinates of House (through Mobile App) to avail better electoral Services
Feedback regarding existing Polling Stations and suggestions on alternate PS, if any
The one time authentication of details and sharing contact detail would help electors to get update of online application status, status of EPIC, Election Day announcement, voter slip on their registered email and mobile number. Regular notification on modifications on Serial No. and details of Polling Station, Change in BLO/ ERO, all information related to Polling Station will also be shared with the Electors.
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