What is NIC code in Pradhan Mantri Rojgar Protsahan Yojana ?

Answered on April 10,2019
The appropriate NIC code is determined/ assessed by the value added by production of different products and services or net revenue derived from various activities, i.e. the industry code of the primary manufactured product (output) of that establishment. In case of multi-product establishments, the appropriate NIC code is determined by the category of the product contributing the maximum value added for the establishment. Where such assessment is not possible, classification may be done in terms of gross revenue attributed to the products, or services of the establishments, the number of persons employed for various activities.
For the textile (apparel) sector dealing with the Manufacture of wearing apparel, in particular, NIC 1410 (Manufacture of wearing apparel, except fur apparel); and NIC 1430 (Manufacture of knitted and crocheted apparel), the Government will also pay the EPF contribution of 3.67%, in addition to payment of the EPS contribution of 8.33%. The detailed sub-sectors covered for this component are given below:
1. NIC 1410: Manufacture of wearing apparel, except fur apparel
- NIC 14101: Manufacture of all types of textile garments and clothing accessories
- NIC 14102: Manufacture of rain coats of waterproof textile fabrics or plastic sheetings
- NIC 14105: Custom tailoring
- NIC 14109: Manufacture of wearing apparel not elsewhere classified
2. NIC 1430: Manufacture of knitted and crocheted apparel
- NIC 14301: Manufacture of knitted or crocheted wearing apparel and other made-up articles directly into shape (pullovers, cardigans, jerseys, waistcoats and similar articles)
- NIC 14309: Manufacture of other knitted and crocheted apparel including hosiery
3. NIC 1392: Manufacture of made-ups textile articles, except apparel {This class excludes - manufacture of textile articles for technical use – NIC 1399}
- NIC 13921: Manufacture of curtains, bed covers and furnishings
- NIC 13922: Manufacture of crocheted made up textile goods except apparel
- NIC 13923: Manufacture of mosquito nets
- NIC 13925: Manufacture of tarpaulin
- NIC 13926: Manufacture of blankets
- NIC 13929: Manufacture of other made-up textile articles, except apparel n.e.c.

Answered on April 10,2019
National Industrial Classification Code (NIC) – 2008 is the code developed and maintained by Ministry of Statistics & Programme Implementation for codification and categorisation of industries based on their economic activity. For availing the benefits under PMRPY scheme, it is necessary to mention the nature of industry/sector as per National Industrial Classification Code NIC-2008, maintained by the Ministry of Statistics & Programme Implementation.