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What incentives are available to a Pradhan Mantri Bhartiya Janaushadhi Kendras owner ?
What incentives are available to a Pradhan Mantri Bhartiya Janaushadhi Kendras owner ?

Answered on April 04,2019
Following are the incentives for opening Jan Aushadi Stores.
- Operating agency will be provided 20% margin on MRP (Excluding taxes) of each drug. a. BPPI will provide one-time financial assistance upto Rs. 2.50 lakh as per details given belowwhere space is provided free by State Govt in Government Hospital premises
- Rs. 1 lakh reimbursement of furniture and fixtures.
- Rs. 1 lakh by way of free medicines in the beginning.
- Rs 0.50 lakh as reimbursement for computer, internet, printer, etc.