I still haven't received my 2020 federal tax refund (filed via turbotax), even though I received the state refund within a week of filing back in 2021. Refund status tool on the IRS site says " We cannot provide any information about your refund ". What to do?

Ask your Congressional Representative's office for help. They can contact IRS on your behalf after you fill out a release form.

Find Your Representative

My Rep has a form on her website to ask for help from a federal agency - you can just ask for help getting your 2020 refund from IRS; you don't need to give a lot of details until they get back to you.

If your Rep doesn't respond or won't help, try your federal Senators.

Contacting U.S. Senators

You may be referred to Taxpayer Advocate Service - you can try contacting them directly, but sometimes the Congressional Reps can get the IRS to fix stuff faster.

Contact Taxpayer Advocate

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