Who can my friend consult for help with complicated tax questions due to missing records? How can they address this with limited funds?

For this they can go to a CPA or Enrolled Agent; they don't need a tax attorney. Here are a few directories to check:

Directory of Federal Tax Return Preparers with Credentials and Select Qualifications

Find a Tax Expert Directory

American Society of Tax Problem Solvers

Tax Cure

If they are low income they might qualify for help from a Low Income Taxpayer Clinic, although they usually don't do tax preparation. They can help with collection issues.

Low Income Tax Payer Clinic

If that site isn't working, try this PDF:

Low Income Taxpayer Clinic List

Your friend doesn't need to track inventory, but they can't expense items they buy to resell until the tax year in which they are sold.

So if your friend bought a pair of shoes to resell in 2022 but didn't sell them until 2023, they have to wait until 2023 to include the cost in COGS or under Supplies.

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