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My father is Group C employee of Andhra Pradesh state govt. Recently his income was increased which crossed 8 lakhs per Annum. Am I eligible for OBC NON-CREAMY LAYER? I am preparing for UPSC.
My father is Group C employee of Andhra Pradesh state govt. Recently his income was increased which crossed 8 lakhs per Annum. Am I eligible for OBC NON-CREAMY LAYER? I am preparing for UPSC.

Answered on March 24,2024
Income from salary is not included in case of OBC so you are eligible to apply.. Only income from assets and properties are considered for OBC.
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How to get OBC Caste Certificate in Andhra Pradesh?
OBC caste certificate is an official statement provided to the citizens of Other Backward Classes (OBC) by the State government confirming his/her caste. Documents Required for ..  Click here to get a detailed guide
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How to get SC, BC Certificate in Andhra Pradesh ?
Integrated certificates are issued to the SC, ST, BC and OC castes. This certificate contains information about Caste Nativity and Date of Birth details and used for education and employment..  Click here to get a detailed guide
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How to get OBC Caste Certificate in Andhra Pradesh?
OBC caste certificate is an official statement provided to the citizens of Other Backward Classes (OBC) by the State government confirming his/her caste. Documents Required for ..  Click here to get a detailed guide
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Is the Government Giving YOU Free Money? Check This Out if You Live in Andhra Pradesh!
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AP Voter List 2024 Unveiled: Are You on It?
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