How to open a bank account in UAE for a UAE resident?

To open either a current account or a savings account, UAE residents will need to provide the following documentation:

  • Your original passport as well as a copy
  • A copy of your UAE resident visa
  • A salary certificate
  • Your Emirates ID card or a copy of your registration form if you haven’t yet received it

If you’re a non-resident, you’ll only be able to open a savings account. Even though you won’t get a checkbook, you’ll still receive a debit card that you can use to withdraw money.

To open a savings account as a non-resident, many banks run background checks. Then, they request the following documents:

  • A recent utility bill
  • A reference letter from your home bank
  • The six most recent monthly bank statements from your home bank
  • Information proving consistent funding sources

These documents are needed to make sure that you really do have the means to maintain a bank account in the UAE. A Non-resident savings account can take a little longer to open thanks to the extra documentation.

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