How to get Entry Tax Exemption Certificate for expansion/modernization/diversification units under implementation phase (DLSWCC/SLSWCC Approved projects from Commerce and Industries Department in Karnataka?


Name of the Service Entry Tax Exemption Certificate
Name of the Sub Service Entry Tax Exemption Certificate for expansion/modernization/diversification units under implementation phase (DLSWCC/SLSWCC Approved projects
Whom to approach for this service (Designated Officer)? Joint Director, District Industries Centre
Procedure involved to get this service

1.Application along with the required documents will have to be submitted to District Industries Centre in the respective Districts.

2.Concerned District Industries Centre will verify the proposal and on conformity with the eligibility of the unit and submission of required documents, will issue the exemption certificate within the prescribed time schedule, in respect of Micro, Small, Medium and Large enterprises (SLSWCC approved projects).

Who are eligible to get this service New Micro,Small,Medium and Large enterprises (SLSWCC approved projects) which have made investments in the State as per Karnataka Industrial Policy.
Documents to be enclosed with the request

1 . Application in plain paper or letter head

2 . Copy of the IEM acknowledgement part i or industrial license or 100 percent eou certificate or eou certificate.

3 . Copy of the project report, duly signed by the promoter.

4 . Copy of SLSWCC/DLSWCC approval letter, if any.

5 . Copy of license and plan approval issued by dept. Of factories and boilers wherever applicable.

6 . Approval from energy dept. In case of co-generation plants.

7 . Approval from secretary (sugar), commerce and industries dept. In case of sugar plants

8 . Copy of CFE issued by KSPCB,wheverer applicable.

9 . Land documents/ records

10 .term loan sanction order, if any

11 . Vat registration copy

12 . Copy of partnership deed/ memorandum and articles of association/ bye-laws.

13 . List of plant and machinery and other equipments with their values required for implementation of the project

14 . Copy of first purchase order placed for machinery

15 . Details of existing investment in case of units undertaking expansion/ diversification/ moderinisation

16 . Form of declaration regarding employment of local persons in annexnure-8

17 . ECC issued by DFEE, GOK/MOEF, GOI,wherever applicable.

Fee/Charges to be paid to get the service NIL
Maximum number of days to wait to get this service delivered 10 Working Days
Whom to approach as a appeal (Competent Officer), if the service is not delivered in time or rejected by officer Additional Director (MSME), Department of Industries and Commerce, Head Office, Bangalore
Maximum number of days to wait to get the decision of the Competent Officer 7 Working Days
Whom to approach as 2nd appeal (Appellate Authority), if the decision of the Competent officer is not acceptable or not implemented? Commissioner for Industrial Develpoment and Director of Industries and Commerce,
Maximum no. of days to wait to get the decision of Appellate Authority 7 Working Days
Other information

Work Flow



No. of Days



Application received at KGSC will be submitted to joint director for perusal/initial and then entered in the inward register and it is then sent to the concerned case worker




Case worker opens a new file or processes in the concerned existing file and verifies the application and then submits the file to the next higher officer i.e., assistant/deputy director (AD/DD) or as per the staffing pattern of the respective office


Case Worker


Concerned officer i.e., AD/DD verifies the proposal and submits the file with their opinion to the joint director.


Deputy Director District Industries Centre


Joint director verifies the proposal and if it is eligible he will issue the certificate. Officer may visit the unit for physical verification if necessary


Joint Director

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