How to contact Federal Student Aid (FSA) regarding administrative forbearance of Mohela student loan?

On your Federal Student Aid account, go to the bottom of the home page and click "contact us."

On the next page it'll ask you what contact center you're looking for and you'll click "In Repayment."

On the next page, you'll scroll down and click the option to contact "Student Aid Ombudsman."

This will take you to a page where you can submit a complaint online

They will respond back to you within 15 days. And may even call you.
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Ultimate Guide on SAVE Plan - Payment Calculation, Interest, Forgiveness

Under the Saving on a Valuable Education (SAVE) plan, a single borrower who makes less than $15 an hour will not have to make any payments. Borrowers earning above that amount would save mor..
  Click here to get a detailed guide