How can I start a liquor delivery business in India?

Raju Raju
Answered on September 05,2019

There are licenses required for selling liquor such as L1 for Wholesalers, L-3/L-5 for hotels,L-6 for retail vendors,L-19 for clubs etc.

However, there is no license mentioned for delivery of liquor through online in India. It is a grey area.

Many companies have done the liquor delivery online for a brief period. However, that model was short-lived owing to several grey areas concerning the very legality of the business.

Peter Peter
Answered on September 05,2019

As of now, there are no clear laws about the delivery of alcohol, although a number of companies have entered this space from time to time. In Delhi, for example, the excise department clamped down on online sales, as the companies did not have liquor licences. Instead, they had been selling alcohol that they procured through tie-ups with licensed retailers.This included companies like and, which are no longer active.

Dunzo used to allow users to order liquor through the app earlier. Currently, Dunzo does not allow the delivery of "bottled alcoholic beverages, or any intoxicant or narcotics or psychotropic substances", as per its terms and conditions.
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