How to search your Driving License details online ?

Follow the below steps to view driving license online.

  • Enter your Driving License Number in SS-RRYYYYNNNNNNN where

    • SS - Two character State Code (like RJ for Rajasthan, TN for Tamil Nadu etc)

    • RR - Two digit RTO Code

    • YYYY - 4-digit Year of Issue (For Example: If year is mentioned in 2 digits, say 99, then it should be converted to 1999. Similarly use 2012 for 12).

    • Rest of the numbers are to be given in 7 digits. If there are less number of digits, then additional 0's(zeros) may be added to make the total 7.

  • Enter your Date of Birth

  • Enter Verification Code.

  • Click on "Check Status"

  • If you can see the details about your Driving License, then you can pull it from Digilocker. If it is not available, your details wouldnot be updated in the database till now.