What should I do if my passport is under review at RPO and an objection letter (not SCN) is being there in my passport portal?

Rahul Rahul
Answered on August 21,2019

If police verification doesnt happen , then you need to wait for some time.

Please refer the table below to determine the time required for issuing Police Clearance Certificate (PCC) in various cases:

S.No. Police Verification Report (PVR)/ Observation in System Service Levels
1. Police Verification Report in respect of the existing passport is clear and there is no subsequent adverse entry in the system Police Clearance Certificate (PCC) will be issued on the same day at PSK
a) Police Verification was not required when the passport was issued as the applicant was then a minor and has now become an adult

b) Police Verification was not required when the passport was issued as the applicant was a dependent of a Government employee 

c) Police Verification process could not be completed at the time of issuance of passport due to various reasons 

d) Applicant's present address is different from that mentioned in the passport 

e) Any other such cases where passport was issued without police verification
Police Clearance Certificate (PCC) will be issued only after completion of police verification process. After PVR is received, Passport Office (PO) will inform the applicant through e-mail/ letter. Applicant needs to come to the Passport Office (PO) with his/her passport to collect Police Clearance Certificate (PCC). Country for which Police Clearance Certificate (PCC) is being issued will be stamped on the passport.

Ripu Ripu
Answered on August 21,2019

You need to check the reason forobjection. If it was due to failure of police verification or improper documentation, etc. you can correct the mistake and apply again. If the reasons are not clear, you can write to the RPO or visit RPO or register a grievance.

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