What are the steps to register an LLP

Mayur Mayur
Answered on January 22,2018

Name reservation: The first step to incorporate Limited liability partnership (LLP) is reservation of name of LLP. Applicant has to file eForm 1, for ascertaining availability and reservation of the name of a LLP business.

Incorporate LLP: After reserving a name, user has to file eForm 2 for incorporating a new Limited Liability Partnership (LLP).

eForm 2 contains the details of LLP proposed to be incorporated, partners’/ designated partners’ details and consent of the partners/ designated partners to act as partners/ designated partners.

LLP Agreement: Execution of LLP Agreement is mandatory as per Section 23 of the Act. LLP Agreement is required to be filed with the registrar in eForm 3 within 30 days of incorporation of LLP.

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