I am from Tirupur in Tamil Nadu. My daughter was born 2 yrs back in 2017 at home and we did not register in any hospital or nursery. So can I get the birth certificate now ?

Manoj Manoj
Answered on June 11,2019

Yes. You can get birth certificate now.

Any birth or death not registered within one year of its occurrence, will be registered only on an order by a magistrate of the first class after verifying the correctness of the event and on payment of prescribed fee.

Follow the below process to record the birth of your child.

  • Head of the household (where the birth occured) has to inform the Registrar of the concerned area.

  • A court order is also required by a magistrate of the first class or any other officer authorized by the state govt. after verifying the correctness.

  • Late fee of INR 10 needs to be paid.

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