How to obtain Emigration Clearance in Saudi Arabia?

Faizal Faizal
Answered on March 24,2020
  • A worker holding an ECR passport, on receipt of employment offer in Saudi Arabia, is required to obtain Emigration Clearance (EC).
  • If the recruitment is through an RA holding valid demand letter/or an accredited Project Exporter(PE)/ a Foreign Employer (FE) with a valid permit, the respective RA/PE/FE, as the case may be, shall obtain the Emigrant Clearance for the worker through the eMigrate portal.
  • If the FE is directly recruiting the worker without the intervention of RA, the worker may apply for EC online on the eMigrate portal and the application shall be processed by the jurisdiction Protector of Emigrants (PoE) office, and the emigrant will be provided EC electronically.
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