How to get the Marriage Certificate online in Uttar Pradesh?

Answered on October 19,2019
Follow the below steps to get Marriage Certificate online in Uttar Pradesh.
Visit the UP Registration website.
Provide consent for using Aadhaar related information.
Enter the Aadhaar number of the Groom. Once entered, an OTP will be sent to the groom’s registered mobile number.
Enter the Aadhaar number of the Bride. Once entered, an OTP will be sent to the bride'ss registered mobile number.
Fill the required details about the bride, groom and the witnesses.
After filling the full details, check the filled form in the preview. If there is any kind of error, go to the respective option and correct it by checking the completed details in preview.
Application form number and password will be available after securing the application form completely. After completing the form, select the relevant option for online payment of registration fee.
After payment, take a print out of "Payment Acknowledgment"
Visit the office of the registrar within 30 days of submitting the application to register your marriage.
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