How to get survey number of land?

Answered on May 13,2022
It will be available in the ownership document, land tax receipt or land certificate.
If you dont get survey number of your land, apply for pokkuvaravu.
Also you have to be aware of the entire pokkuvaravu processs as follows.
Thandaper Register is the Register of land holders in a village. The details of land , category and land tax payable, remittance details etc. will be entered in this register. When a new land holder originates his name will be entered in the register by assigning a new number and his land details will be entered in the register. This process is known as pokkuvaravu and the number assigned to the land owner is thandaper number. This Suo moto process is only for fiscal purpose and never ensures ownership of the land. After registration of a land the request for mutation will be sent to the village officer through online from the sub registrar office. The new land owner can meet the village officer after 15 days of the land registration for the payment of land tax after mutation. In other situation application need to be given to village officer. The fee for mutation can be paid along with the first payment of land tax. The process of mutation will be according to Kerala Transfer of Registry Rules 1966 and will vary and depends upon the circumstances that lead to the possession of land by the land holder.
The basic conditions for mutation are.
1. The applicant should have undisputed possession.
2. There should be well defined boundary.
3. The land should be free from puramboke( government land )
Whom to apply?
The application should be addressed to village officer. But if there is survey and sub division of land required, decision will be taken by Tahsildar (Land Records).
How to apply.?
No application to be given by newly registered land holders. In other cases, the following documents need to be attached with the application .
1. Copy of document showing proof of possession. ( Pattayam, title deed etc. ).
2. Copy of previous land tax receipt if any.
3. Copy of sketch prepared by a licensed surveyor (desirable).
Apply for survey and subdivision of your land / resurvey complaints.
A revenue officer can help you in boundary- area disputes only if your land details are reflected in the village records ( BTR, FMB, Thandaper Register) If you want sketch of your land to be reflected in village office survey records or if you have a resurvey complaint , you have to apply in form No-8 , to the tahsildar (LR) in your taluk.
Survey fee
Survey fee will be fixed by Tahsildar (LR) after obtaining report from village officer and survey fee can be remitted in taluk office or in the treasury.
Mode of application
You can apply online/offline
Documents to be furnished
1. Application in form 8
2. Copy of ownership document
3. Copy of Land Tax receipt.
4. Sketch of the land (desirable)
Things you have to do
1. Keep the survey area neat & tidy
2. There should be physical boundaries for your land
3. The land should be free from disputes & puramboke
4. Assistance must be provided for the smooth conduction of survey
5. Video graph the entire survey activities should be done if there is a dispute.
6. Ensure that survey stones are planted/boundary repaired during survey,
7. Do not forget to obtain copy of the sub division sketch after completion of survey.
8. If you are dissatisfied on the decision taken there is provision for appeal before District Survey Supdt within 3 months on receipt of order from Tahsildar ( LR)
9. Do not forget to mention the previous file numbers if any, on the application.
Discuss your land problems with us. We provide total solution to your land problems- . A jamesadhikaram company of land experts – 9447464502.
Service available all over Kerala Youtube Channel

Answered on September 04,2020
It would be mentioned in the sale deed or relevant land documents.
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