How to get my RTC in Karnataka?

Answered on October 21,2019
Follow the below steps to view RTC.
Visit Bhoomi Online website
Select "Services". Click on "View RTC & MR"
Select District, Taluk, Hobli, Village
Type the Survey Number
Select the Surnoc
Select Hissa number. Hissa is the sub number of Survey number. If division happens in multiple owner RTC then new hissa number needs to be provided. For example, survey No 20 becomes 20/1, 20/2 & 20/3 where 1,2,3 are known as hissa number
Select Period. By using period, citizen can view present or Old RTC. Period is created, whenever mutation (Change of owner details) happened
Select the Year for which you want to see the RTC
Click on Fetch Details button
Click on View button to view entire RTC
You can now save RTC in image format.
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