How to get my old details after aadhaar updates?

Answered on October 23,2019
Changes in Aadhaar will reflect only in 90 days. So you can still see the old aadhar details. You can download and keep a version of it if needed. There are multiple ways to download it as mentioned in the below link.

Answered on October 23,2019
You can still update the Aadhaar card with old details. Other than the Date of Birth, which can only be updated once there is no limit to changing name, address, gender, mobile number and email address.
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How to download Aadhaar card ?
Aadhaar (UID) is a 12 digit unique number which helps you to verify your identity all over the country. Apart from serving the purpose of verification, aadhar also helps individual to open n..  Click here to get a detailed guide
  Click here to get a detailed guide
How to Update Aadhaar Card Details ?
Aadhaar is a 12 digit unique number which helps you to verify your identity all over the country. All the details provided in Aadhaar regarding your identity can be updated. Following detai..  Click here to get a detailed guide