How to get Atheist Certificate?

Deepak Deepak
Answered on November 04,2019

If a person has chosen to be an atheist and not to believe in any caste and class, there would be no requirement in law for him to be issued a certificate to such effect. Also, the courts cannot issue directions to the authorities to issue a certificate to anyone of being an ‘atheist’, or a person of no caste, no religion, and no God.

Venu Venu
Answered on November 04,2019

Not many people in India have got Athiest certificate till now. For the few who got this certificate (No Caste, No Religion Certificate or No Community Certificate or Atheist Certificate), there was a thorough search on your background, upbringing etc.

All your school and college documents will be examined.

They will also check whether you have mentioned Caste and religion in any of these certificates . 

They have also checked whether you have availed any benefits from reservation or government scheme on the basis of caste till now.
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