How to cancel NOC from RTO in Maharastra ?
Answered on September 18,2019
NOC cancellation is 2 step process.
1. Get a Non-utilisation certificate or a 'NOC No use certificate' from RTO where you planned to re-register your vehicle. Non utilization certificate is an official statement from the RTO stating that your vehicle is not re-registered in that state.
For example, if you want to transfer your vehicle to a new state and get it reregistered there, you need to obtain an NOC from the RTO where your vehicle is registered. When you obtain an NOC from the RTO where your vehicle is registered, it means that vehicle doesn’t belong to that RTO anymore. As NOC is valid only for 6 months, you need to reregister the vehicle in new state within that period. However, later, if you planned not to reregister the vehicle, you need to cancel the NOC. Cancelling NOC is required because in future, if you want to sell the vehicle you need to go to RTO in migrated state to obtain NOC for ownership transfer. For cancelling the NOC, you need to obtain Non Utilization Certificate from RTO in the migrated state stating that your vehicle is not registered there.
- A letter requesting Non-utilization certificate.
- Original RC book
- Valid Insurance copy
- PUC certificate copy
- Affidavit stating that you have not registered vehicle in new state and no illegal work was done using that vehicle
- Police verification certificate from the police commissioner office of the migrated state
- Original NOC documents
- ID proof
2. Submit this non-utilisation certificate in the Maharashtra RTO along with original copy of NOC, RC, Insurance. So NOC issued from Maharashtra RTO will be cancelled.
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