How long can I ride my two wheeler without pollution certificate if I bought my 2 wheeler on March 2019 ?

Varun Varun
Answered on September 19,2019

You can ride it without pollution certificate till Feb 2020.

After the expiry of period of one year from the date of first registration, every motor vehicle is required to carry a valid PUC Certificate .

As per Central Motor Vehicles Rules, 1989, every motor vehicle (including those conforming to BS-I/ BS-II/ BS-III/BS-IV as well as vehicles plying on CNG/LPG) is required to carry a valid PUC Certificate after the expiry of period of one year from the date of its first registration.

A vehicle, not carrying a valid PUC Certificate is liable to be prosecuted under Section 190(2) of the Motor Vehicles Act. A penalty of Rs.1000/- for first offence and Rs.2000/- for every subsequent offence of violation has been provided.
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