Can we link an Aadhaar to the ration card online?

Vinod Vinod
Answered on November 06,2019

If you are from Kerala, follow the below steps to link Aadhaar card to Ration card.

  • Login to the Civil Supplies website

  • Click on the Citizen Login button

  • Click on the Citizen button

  • If you already have the login ID, login to the website. If there is no login ID, create an account in the website.

Create an account on the website

  • Click on the Create an Account button.

  • To answer the question of whether you want a new ration card, answer No.

  • If the Aadhaar is associated with the Ration Card for any member of the Ration Card, enter the Aadhaar and Ration Card Number. Click Validate. If Aadhaar is not affiliated with a family member's ration card, please apply through Akshaya Center or Taluk Distribution Office

  • Enter the login ID (maximum 10 characters), password, name, email and mobile number.

Aadhaar Seeding Process

  • Once you have received your user ID you can login as above

  • Click on the tab AADHAAR ENTRY.

  • Select the name of the person who has not seeded Aadhaar.

  • Seed Aadhaar number. Click the UPDATE button.

  • After seeding Aadhaar, upload the Aadhaar cardholder copy in PDF format. 

  • Click on the Browse button and attach the PDF file. The PDF file weight should be less than 100 KB
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